My Dream Car

 My Dream Car

I would love to be one of those people who already have their own car, or even better the type of person who worked two jobs to make enough money to buy their own car. (I find this type of hardworking person very honorable.) Unfortunately for me, I am not that type of person as I am without a car and currently unemployed.

When someone asks me the question of what my dream car is I always answer the same. "A 2011 blue Honda Accord." Oftentimes my answer perplexes them. "Why is your dream car an older model?" "Why that specific type when there are countless other fancier models?" 

The answer to these question are simple. My parents own a 2011 blue Honda Accord that my dad uses to drive to and from work, and I wish to someday own that car. 

Image courtesy of Google

That specific car is the first one I ever drove, so it holds a special place in my heart. Not to mention I have countless memories of driving friends around to malls, bookstores, local diners, and even to Wildwood a few times. 

When it comes to my plan of how to own this car, my parents would either need to buy another car and I would take the Honda or I would buy it from them. However, at the moment, will college parking not being free and my driving skills not being up to par with North Jersey traffic, I am glad that I do not own a car. In other words, I do not plan on getting ownership of the Honda anytime soon. 

Some perks of not owning a car in my household is that I do not worry about getting the car inspected, and I do not have to pay for insurance. The two downsides is that I have to pay for gas, and I share the car with my dad. This can sometimes get annoying as our schedules do not mesh well and oftentimes I have to get up early in the morning, 6 am, to drive my dad to work in order to be able to use the car in the afternoon. 

I guess after reading all of this if you felt as though my first answer was not sufficient enough, I'd say my dream car is a vehicle that I can drive with four wheel drive, a working heat and AC system, a working radio, and approximately 5 seats. I am not a picky person and all I really want is a car that can get me from point A to point B comfortably. I do not have any other larger goals than that when it comes to selecting a car for the future. 

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