Personal Happy News


By: Rebecca Kobik

Image courtesy of Google

    Distance for some people tends to be a problem in regards to keeping a close connection with someone. With the availability of technology this 'problem' does tend to shrink. However personally, finding something to connect with someone on, when the person and myself do not share many of the same experiences, is hard. I have always had this struggle when it came to talking with my cousins. 

    There is a 13 year gap between my cousin Maggie and myself. In addition to that, about 8 years ago she moved to Ireland to get her Masters in Archaeology and has stayed there since getting a job as an Archeologist  The age difference and physical distance have left the two of us disconnected.

My cousin Maggie, (on the left) during her time in college 2017 building a pottery kiln. (She does not take pictures of herself at work often.)

    Recently I was able to reconnect with her over WhatsApp. I am taking an Intro to Archaeology class this semester and we began talking about my class. Then I discovered she also has an interest in linguistics. During her years in college she spent a semester abroad in Turkey and while there Maggie told me she discovered that she enjoys the challenge of learning a new language. Likewise I am trying to teach myself some Korean. I enjoy the challenge and even though I know I will not get very far in my studies, I am enjoying the adventure of trying. During our conversation last Monday we exchanged some knowledge of how to pronounce words and she gave me some tips for my future study sessions.

    Overall, I am so glad that I was able to reconnect with her. She's someone who I look up too as a role model and even though she is so far away I now know that whenever I miss her she is just a text or phone call away.


  1. good news!

    your font is a little hard to read :)

    good use of foto and graphic ...

  2. I enjoyed reading your happy news! It's not always easy to maintain relationships when there's so much physical distance- I'm glad you're able to take advantage of technology in such a way!

  3. I agree technology can connect anyone and everyone. I too have similar problems connecting with family members to whom I don't feel have the same interests, though being able to share your differences and teach each other something new is a great way to bond.


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