
Showing posts from February, 2021

Covid PSA 1

 Hello Fellow Humans.  If you have not read my blog post about my dream car then you have not seen my PSA, so it is posted below for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

My Dream Car

  My Dream Car I would love to be one of those people who already have their own car, or even better the type of person who worked two jobs to make enough money to buy their own car. (I find this type of hardworking person very honorable.)  Unfortunately for me, I am not that type of person as I am without a car and currently unemployed. When someone asks me the question of what my dream car is I always answer the same. "A 2011 blue Honda Accord." Oftentimes my answer perplexes them. "Why is your dream car an older model?" "Why that specific type when there are countless other fancier models?"  The answer to these question are simple. My parents own a 2011 blue Honda Accord that my dad uses to drive to and from work, and I wish to someday own that car.  Image courtesy of Google That specific car is the first one I ever drove, so it holds a special place in my heart. Not to mention I have countless memories of driving friends around to malls, bookstores, lo

Top 3 Favorite Songs of All Time

 Top 3 Favorite Songs of All Time A little bit of background about myself before I get into my Top 3 list. About two years ago I would rarely listen to music. It never helped me focus and I'd generally only listen to music on the car radio when going to and from school. Currently, I'm dorming and I was never given a roommate so I use music to fill the silence. (Apologizes for being depressing, it's just something I've been doing at college.)  With the majority of my time spent alone, I have gotten this great opportunity to listen to all different kinds of music and conveniently I am not one to be too picky. The type of music I listen to depends on my mood; hence, my list will kinda be all over the place.  3. Pentatonix - White Winter Hymnal  Pentatonix is a 5 member acappella group from Texas. The group will often do covers of songs and this particular song is no exception. "White Winter Hymnal" was originally released in 2008 by Fleet Foxes', (they are an

Personal Happy News

Reconnecting By: Rebecca Kobik Image courtesy of Google      Distance for some people tends to be a problem in regards to keeping a close connection with someone. With the availability of technology this 'problem' does tend to shrink. However personally, finding something to connect with someone on, when the person and myself do not share many of the same experiences, is hard. I have always had this struggle when it came to talking with my cousins.       There is a 13 year gap between my cousin Maggie and myself. In addition to  that, about 8 years ago she moved to Ireland to get her Masters in Archaeology and has stayed there since getting a job as an Archeologist  The age difference and physical distance have left the two of us disconnected. My cousin Maggie, (on the left) during her time in college 2017 building a pottery kiln. (She does not take pictures of herself at work often.)     Recently I was able to reconnect with her over WhatsApp. I am taking an Intro to Archaeolo