
Showing posts from May, 2021

Contest Blog Post

  Interested in Winning a Free Defogger from Deliquesce and Donating to Charity?? Then this competition is for you!!! All you have to do is go to and write in about 200-500 words about a charitable organization that you believe we should donate to. At the end of every four months our team will review the submissions and reveal the winners on our website.  If you are the one who is chosen to have won, the charity that you write about will get a donation and that individual will get a free defogger with installation included.  If there are any questions you can contact our contest manager Justine Zebrowski at or 856-339-3232. You can expect a response back within three to five business days. 

Three Teachers and The Lessons They Taught Me

     Throughout my time in elementary, middle, high school, and even now in college  I have been impacted from my teachers who have instructed me. Sometimes this impact is how the teachers' had hoped with me as their student gaining a sense of how a particular societal brief operates in the real world or the proper way to formulate a hypothesis when conducting a chemistry experiment how light fractures through different liquids. In order to understand how a few teachers have impacted me, I need to explain what I was laking prior to taking these classes. 6th Grade - English - Ms. Centrella      As a avid reader English was a subject I generally did not struggle with English...until it came to Ms. Centrella's grammar quizzes. I hated them. I would dread going to her class to take them. Those 10 question quizzes were the bane of my existence. Needless to say, turns out I was terrible at grammar and as someone who grew up in a household where getting a B was unacceptable, the fear