
Showing posts from March, 2021

Zoo Memories

    The first time I can recall going to the zoo was when I was in 2nd grade. The field trip for that year was to the Philadelphia Zoo. I remember being very excited to go. That day that we went I remember my mom packed lunch for me in a brown paper bag, it was a sandwich, a bag of chips, a juice box, and a pack of fruit snacks. (My mom always packed my lunches in a brown paper bag during field trips so I'd be able to throw everything away in the trash can and not have to carry around an empty lunch box.) When I went to the zoo, they had giant animal lego displays at the main different animal exhibits and each display had it's own little info card. These cards looked like Pokemon cards with a picture of the lego display and then facts of the certain animal below that.       When my class first entered the park they gave every kid a little sleeve to hold these lego info cards and sunglasses. (I did wear these that day.) What made it even more interesting was they had a made of t

College Life: Food Edition

  College Life: Food Edition       S omething all college students can relate to when it comes to their college experience is food. Those of us who are dorming on campus do not have access to the kitchen, unless you are staying in the apartments. Since the option is not available for us to cook our own food we rely on the dining halls for survival.       Since, I am currently not in the mood to go into a whole in-depth analysis of why Sam's placed and Panera are very flawed; I will simply summarize there biggest negatives for you in some bullet points. Sam's Place: Be careful when getting meat from Paper Lantern, it is sometimes raw in the inside. When you get pasta from the pizza section expect there to be at least 5 pieces of undercooked pasta. Be patient with the cafeteria staff, they will take their time serving you food and if you go at a busy time you will be waiting in a line for a bit. Panera: Panera closes at 3 p.m., so if you wanted to get some food for dinner there y

3 Interesting Ways to Add Peanut Butter Into Your Life

     As someone who does not like the taste of a lot of peanut butter, whenever I pair it with someone else, it must dull the taste of the peanut butter. I also am a boring person as I only pair my peanut butter with grape jelly. Simply put, I enjoy the taste of this combination and never felt the urge to branch out and try other combinations. After doing some research on the internet I have found these three interesting peanut butter combinations! 1. Shrimp     Peanut Butter is paired with shrimp spring rolls as a sauce. With the peanut butter being crunchy it gives shrimp spring rolls a kick of crunch and flavor. Here is a Recipe: 1 Tbsp chunky peanut butter 1 Tbsp sugar 1⁄2  Tbsp fish sauce 1⁄2  Tbsp rice wine vinegar, plus more for the noodles 2 oz vermicelli or thin rice noodles (capellini or angel hair pasta also works) 8 sheets of rice paper 1⁄2  lb cooked medium shrimp, each sliced in half 1⁄2  red bell pepper, thinly sliced 1 mango, peeled, pitted, and cut into thin strips 4 s

Spring PSA


Why I Love Snickerdoodle Cookies

          Snickerdoodle cookies are amazing and they are my favorite type of cookie. Why you may ask? Continue reading to find out my reasons! 1. You only need a few simple ingredients,  all of which you likely have in your home kitchen. Here is the recipe below and you can see that their are not many ingredients and the only one that you may not have at home would be the cream of tartar. (You actually do not need this ingredient, unless you want the cookies to be soft.) Author:  Amy from Recipe type:  perfect cookie Prep time:   20 mins Cook time:   14 mins Total time:   34 mins Serves:  24   Ingredients 3 cups flour ½ tsp cream of tartar ½ tsp baking soda 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup butter, at room temperature 2 cups sugar, plus more if needed 2 large eggs 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon, plus more if needed ½ cup additional sugar Instructions Preheat the oven to 400. Sift together flour, cream of tartar, baking soda; set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with